Fr. Lawrence Stoley
Chief Administrative Officer, Education Office
Extra-curricular activities were important for me growing up in my grade-school and high-school years. These activities taught me discipline, teamwork, and determination. These skills helped me learn how to be a good teammate and work for a common goal. As one of my coaches once said, “There is no “I” in team.” By our participation in Christ’s Mystical Body, we are members of a team. If, God willing, we make it to Heaven; we make it as a member of a team and not only on our own merit.

Mrs. Brianna Olson
Athletic League Director, Diocese of Lincoln
The Catholic Youth Sports League allows the students and coaches to create memories, learn invaluable skills, and engage in a school community that is bigger than oneself. Athletics give the unique opportunity for student athletes to not only develop skills of their sport but characteristics they will carry with them for a lifetime. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the Catholic student athletes in the community in Lincoln!

Mrs. Angela Miller ~ Year 1 of 3
Principal, Cathedral of the Risen Christ School
I am honored to be serving on the Catholic Youth Sport League committee. Intermural sports are a great opportunity for youth to be physically active, engaged with friends, and become active within their school committee. It is a joy to watch our students create lasting friendships outside of the classroom.

Mr. Tony Arens ~ Year 2 of 3
Principal, St. John Catholic School
Youth sports positively contributes to the development of character, accountability, discipline, teamwork, physical and mental health, and instills a growth mindset in student-athletes. The Catholic Youth Sports League is designed to offer each and every student in our Catholic schools an opportunity to participate in a variety of sports. While there is still a competitive component in this league, the overall goal is to teach specific sport fundamentals, in addition to life skills, building relationships, and working to achieve goals as a team. It is a joy to watch our student-athletes use their God-given talents, supporting each other on and off the field/court, working to better themselves and teammates. Thank you to our League Director, school Athletic Directors, and our volunteer coaches for their time and dedication to our sports league. I am honored and proud to be a member of the Catholic Youth Sports League.

Mr. Curt Feilmeier ~ Year 3 of 3
Principal, St. Peter Catholic School
In collaboration with the committee members of the Catholic Youth Sports League, I look forward to providing the students entrusted to our care the opportunity to further identify, develop and share their God-given talents and gifts through athletic opportunities. Additionally, I look forward in serving as a committee member, in partnership with our parents and other area Principals and Coaches, to further our faith through sportsmanship in the spirit of healthy competition. St. Sebastian…Pray for Us!